Request guest account
Use this mask to gain access to guest account.
Access to this page is intended exclusively for club users (club representatives) and not for personal registration.
* In accordance with the GDPR and the signed personal data processing agreement, Datastat d.o.o. acts as the processor of the personal data entered into
our service and your organization acts as the controller of such personal data. Before entering data into our service, please ensure that you have
given appropriate notice to the individuals concerned (e.g. by amending your privacy policy). You can find out more about how Datastat d.o.o.
processes personal data in connection with the Judo Manager service by following this link.
* The data entered above will be processed by Datastat d.o.o. for the creation and management of your user account. You can find out more about how
we process personal data for which we act as data controller by following this link.